National Park
to Everglades National Park .com - Your premier online guide to the
Everglades National Park Showcasing
hundreds of exciting attractions throughout
the south west Gulf Coast area of Florida
including the neighboring
communities of Naples, Chokoloskee,
and Marco Island. The Everglades National
Park has been designated a World Heritage Site, an International Biosphere Reserve,
and a Wetland of International Importance.
Established in 1947, the Everglades
National Park covers 4,000
sq mi in southern
Florida extending from Lake Okeechobee southward to Florida Bay.
Federal Land comprises 1,398,617.13 acres, Non-Federal Land - 461.13 with the
gross total area acres of 1,399,078.26. The Everglades is a
unique ecosystem and is completely dependant upon water flow, making it one of
the largest and most productive estuaries in the world. The Everglades support
more than 350 species of birds and over 1,000 species of plants.
annual average rainfall of more than 60 in. (152 cm) with most falling in the
summer. Big Cypress Swamp, to the northwest, and Lake Okeechobee are the chief
sources of its water. Everglades National Park is open year round. Highest
visitation is from December through April, and the lowest visitation is May through
November. Walking and canoe trails, boat tours and tram tours are excellent for
viewing wildlife, including alligators and a multitude of tropical and temperate

here for more information
The Everglades Wilderness Waterway extends 99 miles
between Everglades City to the West and Flamingo to the East where
the vast saw grass marsh of the Everglades meets the sea . An unspoiled
realm of mangroves, hidden coves, and isles with sandy beaches abounds
with wildlife. This remote wilderness waterway is yours to explore.
Back Country Marina provides day trips or overnight trips utilizing
the camp sites along the Everglades Wilderness Waterway.
Take a virtual fishing trip with
Rob Grant in Florida for
snook and redfish!
from our selection of four online slideshows
Click on the images below to start your trip!

Join Rob Grant on a virtual fishing charter
on the Gulf
of Mexico with Capt. Sam Kimball
/ Capt. Mark Johnston
Rob Grant on a virtual fishing charter with
Capt. Matt Ercoli
Tampa Bay Florida
Join Rob
Grant on a virtual Fly Fishing expedition for snook and redfish
on the famous Tampa Bay flats.
Join Rob
Grant on a virtual kayak fishing trip in the mangroves of Tampa
click here

Endangered Species in Everglades National Park:
endangered species is a species of plant or animal that, throughout all
or a significant portion of its range, is in danger of extinction. Everglades
National Park is, or was at one time, home to fifteen endangered species.
American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)
Green turtle (Chelonia mydas)
Atlantic Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys kempi)
Atlantic hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
Atlantic leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
Cape Sable seaside sparrow (Ammodramus maritima mirabilis)
Snail (Everglades) kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus)
Wood stork (Mycteria americana)
West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus)
Florida panther (Felis concolor coryi)
Key Largo wood rat (Neotoma floridana smalli)
Key Largo cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola)
Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis)
Schaus swallowtail butterfly (Papilio aristodemus ponceanus)
Garber's Spurge (Chamaesyce garberi)
Fishing abounds in the Everglades. The
unique combination of year-round warm water, brackish rivers and backcountry
bays, mangroves, oyster bars, estuaries, forage, and moving water, makes
Southwest Florida one of the leading fisheries in the World. The
nearshore bays, shallow flats and mangrove shorelines provides endless
possibilities to hook into a trophy Tarpon, Snook, or Redfish. Everglades
fishing is very diverse, from the shallow back country grass flats, to
the outside islands and canal systems. The Everglades
National Park has a large selection of fish species. With 1.4 million
acres in the Park alone, everglades fishing is very unique. In the same
fishing charter, it is possible to catch bass in the freshwater, snook
in the backcountry, tarpon in the rivers, redfish on the beaches as well
as trout on the flats.
Florida Vacation Rentals
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Vacation Rentals - quality vacation homes, villas and condos available
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is the equitable proceeding in which a bank or other secured creditor
sells or repossesses a parcel of real property due to the owner's failure
to comply with an agreement between the lender and borrower called a "mortgage"
or "deed of trust." Commonly, the violation of the mortgage is a default
in payment of a promissory note, secured by a lien on the property.
Fishing Regulations in the Everglades
All commercial fishing is prohibited in Everglades National Park.
Prohibited Recreational Fishing
Except for dip nets,
cast nets, and landing nets, all other seines and nets are prohibited.
The use and possession of spear guns and spear poles are prohibited.
Fresh Water Fishing
Freshwater License
A Florida freshwater fishing license is required to fish in freshwater
or to possess fresh water species.
Bait- Live
or dead fish (including minnows and shiners) or amphibians, and non-preserved
fish eggs or roe, are prohibited. Digging for bait inside the park is
not permitted.
Areas Closed to Fishing
No fishing is allowed
at the Ernest Coe Visitor Center lakes, Taylor Slough, Royal Palm Visitor
Center area and trails, Chekika Lake and along the Shark Valley Tram Road.
Salt Water Fishing
Saltwater License
A Florida saltwater fishing
license is required to fish in saltwater or to possess saltwater species.
Bait is not included
in bag limits. Saltwater bait: shrimp, minnows, pilchards, pinfish, mullet,
mojarras (shad), or ballyhoo. Bait may be taken with hook and line, dip
net (not wider than 3 feet / 0.9 m), and cast net.
Manatee Etiquette
Areas frequented by manatees
have been posted. Keep an eye out for manatees. Slow to an idle if observed,
but do not approach or molest.
Lobster and Queen Conch
The taking and possession
of lobster and queen conch is prohibited.
Recreational Crabbing
Stone crabs, during open
state season, and blue crabs may be taken by recreational fishermen using
attended gear (for example: star trap, baited line, landing net, etc.).
Crabbers are limited to five (5) traps. Unattended gear, including traps,
is prohibited.
Shrimp may be taken by
dip net (not wider than 3 feet / 0.9 m) or cast net, personal use only,
not for sale.
Kayaking on Florida's many lakes, rivers and oceans has become a very
popular activity. You can rent kayaks daily, weekly or even by the hour
at many locations. Your skill level and degree of adventure will be your
guide as to what type of kayaking is right for you and your group.
of Kayaks
Ocean- An ocean
kayak is a “sit-on” kayak where you actually are sitting on top of the
kayak. These kayaks are used mainly to paddle in the ocean, and are very
buoyant because there is no interior space for water to be collected as
there is in an ocean and river kayak. They handle waves very well, and
are ideal for the ocean adventurous person.
Whitewater-A whitewater kayak is a small
kayak that is used for riding the rapids. The miniature kayak actually
accelerates through whitewater making rapids easier and fun. These kayaks
are also used for special tricks. Skilled professionals are able to actually
pop in and out of the water with the boats, as well as ride waterfalls.
It is easy to maneuver, and simple to flip this boat over, back above
the water, if you should tip.
River-A river kayak is your typical kayak.
These kayaks are ideal for paddling on rivers, lakes, and ponds. Guided
tours are often run with river kayaks because they are the easiest to
handle, and the most practical for recreational kayaking.
Try taking a Sea Kayaking Tour
to take advantage of Florida's playground! Sea kayaking tours are offered
in the Florida Keys & Everglades.
Experience Florida White Water for Rafting
& Kayaks
Creek, Florida, Jennings to Alapaha, class III-IV, 1 miles long.
Alapahoochee River Grand
Bay Canal), Florida, GA SR 135 to FL SR 150 on Alapaha, class II, 4.5
miles long.
Aucilla River, Florida,
FL SR 257 to gauging station Close to Cabbage Grove, class I-II, 6 miles
Falling Creek, Florida,
FL SR 131, class III, 0.3 miles long.
Hillsborough River, Florida,
Suwannee River, Florida,
Big Shoals Tract to US 41 bridge, class I-II(III), 4 miles long.
Click here to
learn more about Florida's white water adventures!
White Water Rafting.com
Other Water Trips
Bend Saltwater Paddling Trail - South of Tallahassee
Blackwater River/Royal
Palm Hammock Creek Canoe Trail - South of Naples
Coldwater Creek
Canoe Trail - East Panhandle (Pensacola area)
Great Calusa Blueway
- Fort Myers area
Loxahatchee River
Canoe Trail - West of Palm Beach
Santa Fe River
Canoe Trail - Northern Central (Gainesville area)
Suwannee River
Wilderness Trail - North Central on Georgia Border
distinct lateral line; high, divided dorsal fin; sloping forehead;
large mouth, protruding lower jaw; grows much larger than other snooks;
pelvic fin yellow. Where found: from central Florida and South
Texas south, usually INSHORE in coastal and brackish waters, along
mangrove shorelines, seawalls, and bridges; also on reefs and pilings
Size: most catches 5 to 8 pounds. *Florida Record: 44 lbs.,
3 ozs. |
last ray of dorsal fin extended into long filament; one dorsal fin;
back dark blue to green or greenish black, shading into bright silver
on the sides; may be brownish gold in estuarien waters; huge scales;
mouth large and points upward.
Where found: primarily INSHORE fish, although adult fish spawn
OFFSHORE where the ribbon-like larval stage of the fish can be found.
Size: most angler catchs 40 to 50 pounds. *Florida Record:
243 lbs. |
chin without barbels; copper bronze body, lighter shade in clear waters;
one to many spots at base of tail (rarely no spots); mouth horizontal
and openng downward; scales large. Where found: juveniles are
an INSHORE fish, migrating out of the estuaries at about 30 inches
(4 years) and joining the spawning population OFFSHORE.
Size: one of 27 inches weighs about 8 pounds. *Florida Record:
51 lbs., 8 ozs. |
Sea Trout
color gray, dark or iridescent blue above, shading to silvery sides,
in dark waters showing golden tints around breast; small permit have
teeth on tongue (none on pompano); no scutes; dorsal fin insertion
directly above that of the anal fin; 17 to 21 soft anal rays.
Where found: OFFSHORE on wrecks and debris, INSHORE on grass
flats, sand flats, and in channels; most abundant in south Florida,
with smaller specimens from every coastal county.
Size: common to 25 pounds. *Florida Record: 51 lbs., 8 ozs. |
dark gray or green above, with sky blue tinges shading to silvery
and white below; numerous distinct round black spots on back, extending
to the dorsal fins and tail; black margin on posterior of tail; no
barbels; no scales on the soft dorsal fin; one or two prominent canine
teeth usually present at tip of upper jaw.
Where found: INSHORE and/or NEARSHORE over grass, sand and
sandy bottoms; move into slow-moving or still, deep waters in cold
weather. Size: common to 4 pounds on west coast, larger on
east coast. *Florida Record: 15 lbs., 6 ozs. |
silvery color with bluish or greenish back; slender, round body; snout
long, conical, aiming downward and overhanging lower jaw; dark streaks
between scales on upper half of body and faint crossbands extending
down to lateral line; extremities of dorsal and caudal fins shaded
with black. Similar Fish: ladyfish, Elops saurus
Where found: primarily INSHORE fish inhabiting shallows of
the Florida Keys; found in shallows often less than 1 foot deep, usually
over lush grass flats, occasionally over white sand. Size:
3 to 5 pounds. *Florida Record: 15 lbs., 6 ozs. |
Black Drum
color bluish-green to greenish-gold back and silvery or yellowish
belly; soft dorsal and anal fins almost identical in size; prominent
black spot on operculum (gill cover); black spot at the base of each
pectoral fin; no scales on throat.
Where found: common in both INSHORE waters and the open sea.
Size: usually 3 to 5 pounds. *Florida Record: 51 lbs |
high arched back; 10 to 14 pairs of chin barbels; gray or black colored
body in adults; young have 4 to 6 vertical bars; has cobblestone-like
teeth capable of crushing oysters; scales large.
Where found: INSHORE fish common to bays and lagoons; bottom
dweller often found around oyster beds; also OFFSHORE.
Size: common to 30 pounds. *Florida Record: 93 lbs. |
olive or gray body coloration with black blotches and brassy spots;
gently rounded preopercle. Similar Fish: gag M. microlepis; yellowfin
grouper, M. venenosa.
Where found: OFFSHORE species; adults associated with rocky
bottoms, reef, and drop off walls in water over 60 feet deep; young
may occur INSHORE in shallow water.
Size: common to 40 pounds, may attain weights exceeding 100
pounds. |

There are two campgrounds inside the park Flamingo and Long Pine Key.
Long Pine Key Campground
7 miles / 11 km from the main entrance, just off the main road.
108 drive up sites for tents and RVs, including one group site.
Close by: Fishing pond, hiking trails, amphitheater.
Flamingo Campground
Located at the end
of the main park road in Flamingo.
234 drive in sites, including 55 with a view of the water, four group
sites, 64 walk-up sites (20 on the water's edge).
Close by: observation tower at Eco Pond, hiking trails,canoe trails and
Camping is offered year-round at Long Pine Key &Flamingo.Reservations
are strongly recommended at Long Pine Key and Flamingo during peak season
from November 23 to April 18. Call the reservation agent at (800) 365-2267
up to five months in advance. Both campgrounds are available on a first-come,
first-served basis the rest of the year. Frontcountry fees during peak
season are $14 for walk-in sites, $14 for RV sites, and $28 for group
sites. Park campgrounds at Long Pine Key &Flamingo have drinking water,
picnic tables, grills, tent and trailer pads, and rest rooms. Flamingo
has cold-water showers and Flamingo Marina offers hot showers for $3.
RVs are welcome, but there are no hook-ups. Campground stays are limited
to 14 days during the peak season. Checkout time is 11 A.M.
Country Camping in the Everglades
Everglades National Park has three kinds of backcountry campsites: Chickees,
Ground Sites, and Beach Sites.
Backcountry permits are: $10 (1-6 people) $20 (7-12 people) and $30
(more than 13 people).
Chickees are located along interior rivers and bays where no dry land
exists. They are elevated 10 foot x 12 foot / 3 m x 3.7 m wooden platforms
with roofs, usually constructed on open water, well away from mangrove
trees. A narrow walkway leads to a self-contained toilet. You'll need
a free-standing tent, since stakes or nails are not allowed.
Ground sites are mounds of earth a few feet higher than the surrounding
mangroves, located along interior bays and rivers.
Beach sites are located on coastal shell beaches. Many beach sites
have no toilets.
City Everglades
City is a mile long mangrove island with crab houses, shops, restaurants,
motels, marinas, museums, an airport, canoe & kayak guided adventures,
aerotours, boat tours, airboat rides, canoe/kayak/bicycle rentals and
nice walking paths. It is known
as 'the fishing and stone crab capital of Southwest Florida' and is one
end of the Wilderness Waterway, the Everglades backcountry route linking
Everglades City to Flamingo.
Click here for more information on Everglades
Moving to South Florida Paradise!
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Ten Thousand Islands , Florida
Ten Thousand Islands is the coastal area in the Everglades National Park
where mangrove islands and shallow creeks make a wilderness maze.
Some of the islands are landmasses called keys but many are clumps of
mangrove trees rising out of coral reefs, oyster beds, and sandy shoals.
The area lies southeast of Naples and northwest of the Everglades National
Park. The many islands form a transition from the freshwater marsh of
the "river of grass" to the open salt water of the Gulf of Mexico.
Marco Island is the largest of Florida's Ten Thousand Islands, located
on the Gulf of Mexico in Southwest Florida.
Click here to learn more about the
Ten Thousand Islands
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